This is a first heard and first publish news. Google which helps you in every aspect related to your site. Whether it is a technical crawling issue or any error in creating content, Google has always helped you in real and has been providing essential information for years. It has kept an eye on Search Engine Optimization and has been updating its algorithms time to time. Some time back, Google released an e-book regarding search engine optimization which has the most important details about each part of your website's SEO. That book helped a lot of webmasters and new bloggers. And thus, Google presented another great e-book which is a short one, but for those who have started their website but haven't yet touched SEOs. Both of the books are much worthy to read, because they are from Google. Download them from given links below and share them with your friends. These books will definitely help you in managing your blog and driving the real traffic from Search engines.
Download free SEO Books from Google!
Google itself has been giving you solution to each of your problem about your website or blog. You just need to find out your answer by visiting either Google Webmaster Central blog, Google Webmaster Help Center or Google Webmaster Tools. And after releasing two precious e-books about SEO, you should be trusting more on Google. Now download both of the books from below links.
Having downloaded above e-books and after reading them, I hope you'll be able to optimize and manage your blog with more ideas and more power of SEO.
These books are really important because they are created by Google, and you know Google has the team of World's greatest people.
Share your thoughts about these books in comment section. Happy Blogging with SEO from Google.
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