What is alexa rank?
Alexa dot com is a site which defines that how visitor site have. Its also determine top back link, pages views and top five back link of site its mean that on what key word this sites have high rank. Alexa dot com was designed in 1996 the main purpose of alexa dot com was to check the site rank like back links ,pages views and visitor etc. Alexa dot com have data for  31 million plus sites and alexa have fifteen plus reborts and server which is used to upgrade status for all these sites. Alexa dot com finds data from all social media pages like facebook twitter and google plus etc. and shows in your site rank. If you want to check your sites rank in alexa dot com. Please open alexa dot com and write your site in serch bar of alexa dot com. ComputerUstaad is on rank of almost one thousand in Pakistan.
Watch Alexa Claim and Certify Blogger & WordPress In Urdu And Hindi

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