8 reasons you can consider when your blog is not making good money. You can write these 8 reasons in a notepad file or somewhere in a notebook etc to remember that you have to work on these points in the future to increase your earning with your blog. The number of reasons I can assume are below:
#1. More Earning needs more traffic:
Blog traffic is defined as the visitors received by a blog. So the first thing you may be lacking is that your blog has not good number of visitors and that is the reason you are not making money.so, if your blog is having low traffic. This is the first reason why you are not earning from your blog.
#2. Low Click through Rate
If you are using Adsense or other ad network you would certainly know that CTR stands for click through rate i.e percentage of people clicking the ads. So the second reason why a blog doesn't earn can be a low CTR(no or low clicks on ads).you will earn more when you have good ad CTR.Learn about: How to Increase Adsense CPC/CTR
#3. Low Cost per Click
If your blog traffic is good and you are having a good CTR, and you are still scratching your head why you are not making money. Then, I guess your blog has a very low cost per click. That is you are earning very low for each ad clicked.
#4. How to increase blog earning
We have discussed the probable reasons why a blog does not make money. But it will not be okay if we stop here. Because we have just found the problems and without looking for solution we won’t succeed. So now I will give you some tips how you can make more money from blog.
#5. Use minimum ads
Many of newbie’s are curious to earn quickly and for that reason once they get adsense approval they straight away place ads all around, and they think they will earn more by doing this.
But No! the cost per click also depends on the number of ads appearing on the blog. If you place two ads on home page you will witness different CPC compare to five or six ads on home page. The ads appearing above the folds carries the highest CPC. So never place so many ads on you blog as it will affect your earnings.
#6. Ad placement matters
Ad placements are the positions/places where you place your ads. It also affects your earnings. Always use ads in prominent places so that it catches visitor eyes. And whenever possible place text ads near to your content and image ads in header and sidebars.
#7. Use keywords which pay more
If you have used adword keyword tool. You would have certainly noticed that when you search a keyword there is a little column of average CPC.The average CPC is the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for a keyword. So use those keywords which have higher search volume, low competition and high cpc.You may love to read: Best Keyword Research tools
#8. Your blog niche?
Well, the blog niches also affect earnings. Usually Entertainment blogs have low earning potential compare to insurance, blogging, making money blogs. So always create a blog in a niche which pays higher.Also read: Top 5 niches for Adsense
Buddies, this is my first guest post in my blogging career.I have tried my level best to make things crystal clear. Hope you appreciate my efforts. I am thankful to the blog owner Wali khan for giving me the honor to write for an esteem blog.
About the Author: Saif Afridi is a Young Tech Enthusiast, idea inventor & Professional blogger Who Shares Blogging Tips, SEO, Make Money Online, Reviews &Tech News @www.technosati.com .
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