social floating widget for WordPressThe number of widgets that we have for blogger blogs are also available for WordPress users and WP users can install any widget they want more easily than blogger users, because they have the facility of numerous plugins available in WordPress plugins library. Today throughout this tutorial, I'll be pointing you to a great plugin which is used for showing afloating social media sharing widget on your WordPress blogs. This is very easy to handle widget and takes just few seconds to install. However, I'll recommend you some more widgets which can be used as alternative of the widget I'm talking about.
The widget that has won my heart is "Digg Digg" which is a popular widget and I installed it recently on one of my blogs on WP. So let's start how can you find and install this widget in WP plugins library. The widget that I'm talking about automatically scrolls down when visitors scroll down the page. This widget can attract your site's visitors to share your content on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin etc. Must give it a try.

How to install Digg Digg on your WP Blog?

Digg Digg is a social sharing floating widget for WordPress blogs, you can install it within few seconds, just follow the steps for installing this cool widget on your WP blogs:
  • Login to Your WordPress Dashboard
  • Plugins >> Add New Plugin
  • Then Write "Digg Digg" in the search box, click enter
  • Just Install the widget and you can later on modify it
  • See below picture for example
digg digg setting
I've installed this widget therefore, the installed link is shown, but you'll see a link like"Install Now" and you need to just click that. After installing & activating this widget, it will appear at the left side bar of your WP dashboard, just like below image:
Now you need to make any changes you want and in order to make changes just mouse over the Digg Digg and you'll see more options, from more options click "Floating Display" so you'll be redirected to the setting page, where you can make any setting you want, here is the example image of that page:
wordpress social plugin
On above page you can make all the setting you want for this social media sharing widget, keep all the setting above as default at the first stage, but in 3. Button selection, you can select up to 22 social networks to appear on the floating widget. I recommend you to only select popular social networks i.e Facebook, Twitter, linkedin, Pinterest and Google+. That's the tutorial for using Digg Digg widget.
5 More Plugins for Floating Social Widget: 
The above plugins also does the same job as Digg Digg do. So you can just copy any of the above names and paste in the search box on your WP plugins library to install the plugin directly from the your Dashboard. However, you can externally download the plugins from and can upload to your WP plugins library, just click any of the above plugins to download the plugin fro
Take care and have fun! 

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