wordpress seo tipsWordPress CMS platform Provided very Best And easy SEO environment To his User there are Thousands of Plugins For Optimizing your website for Seo, SEO plugins made SEO very Easy for Website but some time large number of Plugin’s installing are not likish For website, Because More Plugin’s makes your website and website Database Very heavy which in result your website loading time become very increase and thus Slow web page loading is very Harmful For Your website From SEO point of View As well as From Your Traffics, So here in our this Tutorials we have published in detail that how to Optimize Your WordPress website For SEO With out Installing of More Plugins.

Main Components in WordPress Website SEO

Once you have Install your website on WordPress, after that your all Links and relation is become With WordPress Platform, SEO is the main thing is website, If You have betterly optimize your website for SEO then you will Gain High traffic for worldwide for your website so Focus on these components For WordPress website SEO.

1) Permalinks

Permalinks Is the Main Component For Your Manual as well as WordPress Website SEO, Your Post 45% Of Traffic Comes From Search engines will be From Your Permalinks, Choose Short but Highly attractive Permalinks For every Article.

2) Your Website SEO Article Title

When You have to write article on any Topic, There are two types of title will Be need to You one is Article Main Title and Other one is Article SEO title, But Your Main Concentration will be on Your Article SEO Title, and For Better SEO You will need to manage Your Main Keyword one time so in the result Search engines will gives More importance to your article.

3) Optimize Article Description

Optimize your Article Description In such a way that Your article Complete Theme Summary will Come in SEO 160 words Descriptions, Google allow you to add your Main Keyword In article description two time must so that Search engine Will bring your website/article in top ranking due to this Keywords managing, More them two times Keywords adding will makes your Article as a spam, Because Google Algorithms are Active 24 Hours For This Action.

4) Image Optimization

Image Optimization is also a Main Factor For WordPress Website SEO, Giving specific tittle and Description To your image Will gives you More traffic for your website as well as Making your website speed high.

5) Website Site Map

Your website SiteMap is summary of your website it gives your website Detail To Search engines including images, text files, video, and audio etc, So For making your website Visible in search engines install bestWordPress SEO Sitemap plugin to your website which makes your website Sitemaps on Weekly or Monthly bases and Then Send them Automatically to Search engines.

Other Components For WordPress Website SEO

Choose Best Template

WordPress Allow You to Choose Beautiful custom Template For Your website, There are Millions of WordPress Free and Paid Template available in Search Engines You can easily download and Install WordPress Template on your Domain, But Your Main Things to be noted is, Before Choosing WordPress Templates Study its Complete Detail and Descriptions, Like Its Page loading time, How Much its is SEO Friendly and Its other Functions.

Focus on Original Contents

If you Wants That your website become successful in Search engines and become alive, then you will need to work under Google terms and polices, and contents infringements are very dislikes it Google as well as from users, contents infringement means that you hack website owner authority, and thus in the result your domain will suspend as Google knows about that, SO always focus on your original contents.

Link Your Website With Top Websites

Now a days Google Updates his search techniques day by day, and Robots and crowsers works, as soon you add your website in Google or any other search engines there Crowsers starts visiting to your website, they add your website detail on daily bases, and at the end after some time they gives you some rank which is called Google page rank and is given by your website Linking, if you have links your website to top Website, you will get Stronger Back links, so from SEO point of view Back links also play key roles in Traffic bringing.

Link Post with Related Posts

You will Noted at many website or if we says in every websites that when you reading article you will noted a specific link on text that is called related post link it means that you have link your article with another article in your website, by clicking on that link it will redirect you to that article, Search engines Spiders likes that links very much, So must focus on Related links for your websites.

Optimize Your Comments

Comments are very important And necessary aspect for website, In website traffic increasing user comments Play best role, so use such tips and methods in your website Comments section that your user become Bound to write comments on your Post.

Always post your article To Social Networks

Always Post your every new publish article to social networking website, because these are already top websites in search engines which gives you very strong back link for your website, and thus by searching that keywords they show your article from That social website.

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