How To Get Google Adsense Approved Account Using YouTube
Google Adsense Is not only The publisher network for website You MayUse Google Adsense YouTube monitization, If you have YouTube channel and it contain some special videos then you may makes lot amount of money from it by the help of YouTube Monetization process like “Timothy DeLaGhetto” who makes $1 million (553 million total video views) from his channel, its not difficult every one can makes some big amount of money from these, if he/She struggle some hard Makes Better videos, Monetize them with Ads, Makes its Channel and every Video SEO better, but the problem is how To Get adsense approved account for YouTube channel, so it is very easy method we have mentioned it in step wise for better understanding.

How To get Adsence Account For YouTube

1) Create fresh Gmail account Click here
2) Then open YouTube website
3) After that login to your created Gmail ID in YouTube and select any channel which is open in POP off Window then click on next and then OK
4) As You login to Your Gmail account from YouTube then click on YouTube setting which is available in top right corner and create a new channel by selecting these options (company institution ore organization & any Google + user)
5) when you created new Channel in YouTube then again click on YouTube setting & click on ADVANCED and then create custom URL and give Specific name to your Channel without spaces as you given previously
6) Now create any video which is not copy right(not available in YouTube before) and upload it to your YouTube Channel with following settings (when you upload it then go to setting and on Monitization settings)
7) Now again click on YouTube settings and click on “view additional featers” here Monitization button is not visible if your country Does not support YouTube Monitization Method Like in Bangladesh, for this you have to change your country to any but United state is best for Adsence so see lift side click on Features and then click on advanced so change your country to United State and do not change any other things
8) then again click on youtube settings and click on view additional features so Monitization button is visible so click on enable
9) Now click on Enable on my account
10) a pop of window will open this is Policies and terms for YouTube Earning read it carefully agree all terms and click on i accept
11) then click on got it
12) now again click on YouTube setting and then click on view additional featers and then click on Monitization settings
13) a new page will open having option “How i will be paid”
14) So click on associate adsence account
14) click on next and then yes proceed to Google sign in account
15) So login to gmail account which is fresly created by you for Google adsence and then Click on Continuous
16) Here Gives your Name, Father name and country correctly because these are not changeable Again, However Address, Cell number Etc are changeable after that click on Submit
17) check you gmail email account after 3 or 4 hours
18) Your account will be approved successfully and you can use it For YouTube Monitization.
YouTube Monitization Is best method For making money from YouTube Through Google adsense, If you have Best videos which were not copy righted, then must upload it to YouTube and enable Monittization On your videos so that adsense Banners will Visible on your videos and Like Website Traffic if you have more Video views Then you will make more money, so Follow these methods and enjoy your earning through YouTube.

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