Make Money On BuySellAdsBanner advertisement is very commonly and best method for online marketing of any goods and services,with the help of banner person reach very easily to his need and the publisher makes money from every click of visitor,some company pay lot of money to the publisher from every click or 1000 impressions while some company pay less money.if you have maintain a good blog or article from month or from years and you think that it is best for publishing banners,then you may have make some extra money from your blog or website.

What Is Buysellads & How To Make Money With It

As name indicate buysellads,in this website you can buy adds, mean advertisements from different companies if you have approved BSA account, or you may sell your ads on this buysellads website are found on 2009 it is such a good website and publisher can makes money alot from this site just by placing different banners on his website default size of banners are 468 x 60,728 x 90,300 x 250,120 x 60 and so many,it is just like Google adsense but is much more batter site from him ,in Google adsense there are lot of terms and policies under which you will work other wise your publisher account will banned while in BSA there is no such policy like algorithm,and complex methods.

Requirements for Approving Publisher Account

Approving of BSA publisher account is not easy,if you did not know the right way.if you are blog owner and wants to makes extra money from them then it is necessary for you to get publisher account.

Your Website Age

For applying Buysells ads publisher account your website must have been at least 3 months old, and may have a good Alexa rank so that you will be able easily to get your Account.

Your Website Traffic Rank

Alexa rank is given according to the popularity of website It Show the website Rank in word and in current country,For applying Buysellsads Publisher account you must need at least 100k traffic per month on your blog.

Website Layout

you website must have good clean and simple layout,donot use extra banners in it so that your page speed well be very good and thus Page speed play main role in website Rank.

Do not Use Adult Content

If your website is on porn based category,then it is ok you will be publish only porn advertisement,but if your website is on education,teaching etc,then never try to add porn banners in it because it is very unlikish for website.

Donot Use Extra Banners In Your Website

Your website should not have much more publisher ads,means not more banners,because it will increase your website loading time and according to BuySellAds policies your web page loading time must be short.

Update Your Website As you can

you should update your blog at least in weekly bases because Buysellads will not approved your account until it is updated on daily or weekly bases.

Your Content Must be Unique

Contents is the king of website,never try to copy other web pages articles,always focus on your articles which is unique.


if you think your website is at all correct for Buysellads then definitely you will have to applied for your BSA publisher account and they well easily approved your account, BuysellAds have very good Click rate for every countries,therefore you must apply for His publisher account, if they disapproved your account for some reason then you also reapply for it on future.

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