There are many ways to optimize revenue from Adsense. Some may use the quick way, but it certainly had a greater risk. If you do that, you should consider the impact that you will get it later.

To get a good idea you need the user group, or link wheel. In addition, other matrix is also needed to support it. For example, how many times your page appear in some time and also how much of which is derived from the many visitors every time, it is to figure out whether you are using an effective manner or not.

Once you have set up the user in a group, then make sure to convey this information anywhere it goes. For AdSense you have to show some other performance and different in the group so that you have a lot of friends and a variety of advantages.

But, now it may be added in a way that is more attractive and easier, one way is to make the size of the bigger picture of your ad. Larger ad and interesting enough to make visitors could be more interested in the advertising products and try to figure it out further, so that automated ad could be getting a lot of clicks from visitors.

Large size AdSense ads as an advertisement of your own. They may think that you also sell other products that is more interesting than the content of the content in the web.

If you never try then immediately do now and see the results in some time, if the results are better then you must keep it. But if not then you may have to use another way.

If I create a larger ad sizes do not affect the ads, you can use the second method, using the size and position of the ad. Blending the size of the ad image and store it in a strategic place that can be clearly seen or clicked by visitors.

Save ad in the middle of the article or on the edge of the article with ads according to an article written on the web. You have to remember that not everyone knows the ads in your website it is Adsense, and they may think that it is part of their article being discussed and as a complement to the article.

Is AdSense ads can be selected? Of course you can, you can choose a category ad will be input on the web in accordance with the wishes, and make sure that the advertisement in accordance with what was discussed on the web.

How to optimize AdSense ads that have been given above can be useful to develop your advertising dollars and add what you'll get. One thing you should do, do not be shy to ask those who are already successful and have a large income and also a lot of searching for other information from various media, forums, groups and others. The more you know much about something then you will be lucky that you should remember.

Articles, pictures and advertisements is a unity and cannot be chosen arbitrarily, if you want the web remains on Google then you must comply with all rules made by them and try to make them like your website. Good luck.

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