blogger seo tipsOptimizing your Blogger website  SEO is very Easy and chance to Get very high ranking in short time as compare to other website because there are many reason like One of the top is, That It is The Google provided platform and Every one know that Google is worldwide largest search engine, and the other is to Auto post sharing to Google Plus, which is very helpful for Traffic gaining, i already posted lot of Articles about Blogger Website but to day i am going to share some things Extra Blogger Seo tips, Because i have seen many Peoples that they have no idea about Blogger basic SEO requirements that how to Customize there Blog For SEO.

Basic SEO requriments For Blogger

1) Sutible Title Using Heading Tags

This is very essential Step In website either your Website is on Blogger,WordPress are any other platform But You must know to use Heading tags in your website every post Every website designing platform provide 6 types of heading and for Better SEO you should Use these Headings Tags in Your Blogspot website.
sutible title in blogger

2) Insert Meta Description

Inserting Meta Description is also another main Factor For Blogger website, and search engines will Send his crowsers/robots to your website on the bases of these Description, Meta Description is 150 words paragraph on the bases of which you just telling to Search engine that my post is related with which category You can find Meta description in blogger setting>search preferences As Google from Google Penguin updates Meta Description Is necessary for every post so you will need to Insert it in every post as shown.
meta description

3) Permalinks Optimization In Blogger

I already discuss in Webmaster tool post about role of permalinks in website that about 30% of post traffic carrier in every website are Permalinks, in blogger website it becomes more important, therefore you will need to choose custom permalinks for every post, permalinks options for blogger are available in Post setting and for every post you can easily customize them.

4) Image Optimization

Image optimization is another important things for SEO and very helpful For traffic carrying to website, So by uploading every image to your Blog post you will need to optimize that image, By adding specific title to your image because lot of traffic from search engines are Coming to website By images searches.
image-optimization in blogger

5) Blogger Labels

This is just like a Category or tag for blogger website, Most of peoples didn’t know about Labels option in Blogspot, so must use this option In blogger.
blogger labels
Blogger Are Best And easy platform for website there are thousands of templates available for Different category website creating, so if you are starter in Web designing then blogger are best zone for you.

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