Full SEOSearch engine optimization which is also called SEO is Basically the Phenomena for Increasing Website Popularity, Billions Of Top websites are in Competition in Search Engine and Every one Wants to make his Site More popular among the world, and in results he gain More traffic for his website it should be only possible if only you have unique Contents Some good quality of back links, Keywords Usage in title, Posts, Description, Search engine is just like Flood Every things like images , video, Etc contents are available in it you will optimize your contents in such a way that search engine Himself Catch your contents and gives just kick to your contents at top in ranking ,Today i am just going to explain Complete SEO Summary In short That Every One can easily optimize There website Easily For SEO.

Why SEO Require For Website

SEO is Done For Driven Traffic From Search engine, billion of searches are Makes by people For specific Tasks Google, Bing, And yahoo are the Top search engines in the world and among these Google generate 85% of traffic Some peoples gives more importance to Social Networking Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, And Google Plus huge amount of Traffic is generated by these Websites also But if the websites Has not traffic from Search engine Then it means that it is nothing  and advertiser will not More target your website, So the first Things in Making SEO is To USE Google Webmaster Tools And Google Analytic s Tools.

Important Factors For Searches

1) Your Question

Search engine Gives your every problem Solution like lets imagine one can do search about how to make Money online then about Thousands of Results are comes just in second, But the most important in all these are the Ten Result and you have to focus to include your Website Page or post in these result it could be possible only if you have Good back links andGood Usage of Keywords.

2) Target Location

Target Location is another Main Factor in search, when you have Add your website in  Google Webmasters tool, There will be good option For every users called International Targeting, you will have to choose Specific target country for your website Like Pakistan, India etc and Due to this You will Get High traffic from That Country from your given Search (you may get Global traffic from Searches in other countries.

3) Google Owner Ship

Google love Unique Contents And When you add Google Plus author Ship to your Posts Then It is more important for Google to rank them m So Google Authorship also Play important role In Searches.

Role Of OFF page SEO

Title Tags

Optimize your title in such a way that it great ranking in search engines.

Meta Descriptions

Meta description is another ranking factor in Off Page SEO if your Meta description have Keywords and Good Words it will Get high ranking.

Heading Tags

Heading tags are very important things For SEO It is important just like H1 So Heading Tags means to divide your Headings into sub headings.


Images Bring 16% traffic From Search engines So you have to optimize your images In seo too.


Focus on unique Contents Because Google Love Unique Contents.

Page Speed

If your page speed is Fast then You will get more page views and very helpful in page Rank.

Robots.txt File

Robots.txt Is just a File which can stop your website crawling errors from Search engines like Google And other search engines, So you will need To check your Robot.txt File For your website.

Role OF On Page SEO

Contents Linking

Creates More inbound-es Links In website because Google crowser leave good impression on your website.

Keywords using

Used At least 4% of your keywords in Your Website posts.

Keyword Targeting

In the start of your website Target Low Paying keywords(that are in less competition because it will drive more Traffic For you.

URL Shortning

Its means Choose such permalinks which includes your mean Keywords not more then one time and choose them short.


Creates More Do Follow Links for your website.

Role Of Contents In SEO

Google like unique Contents very Much So try To Get just Idea from Other websites and Create and Publish Your own Articles Post Google will quickly Rank your Contents At the Top.

Getting Back links In SEO

Try To get More Back links For Websites From Do Follow LinkingWebsites Post in Forums, Commenting on Other websites are the Best Methods For Getting Backlinks.
Google updates Search Engine Optimization every times like How much you have to Use Keyword Density in your posts Google algurithum, Google Panda etc are Google SEO robots which Every time visits your website in order to check your website SEO Status That either you are Spammer and Just Trying to Makes real Works, So if you works on Google Says Policies you will get Huge amount of Traffic and thus You will Makes More Money

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