neobbNeobux consider to be the king of PTC sites and a best source of earning online should have a Neobux account to enjoy its benefits Neobux gives different offers to its user for making can earn from Hundred to thousand dollars monthly if works wisely and with interest.Here in this post we will reveal some of the secrets of Neobux through which you can earn handsome Money Monthly.

Getting Registration:

Register for free on NeoBux official site put all your Data correct step by step when you finish, Neobux will send you the confirmation code to your email address you entered in registration process, open your mail and click on link or copy and paste the code in Neobux page. when you done successfully then log in to your account.

Making Money by Adds viewing:

when you log in to your account click on view adds and browse all adds one by one you will get 0.001$ for each add view. once you view all adds it will reappear after 24 hours there are different colors of adds you should view first orange color adds which is called fixed adds viewing this add is very necessary.Making money Online through this process is very slow but after some days when you collect some funds in your account then Neobux offers rented referrals you can buy rented referrals and your earning will speed up.

Making Money Through Rented Referrals:

Rented Referrals are the users just like you registered on Neobux, which will make money for you, how they make money when you buy them and they view their fixed orange color adds you get commission from their earnings in order to get commission from rented referrals you must view your fixed adds daily on server time otherwise you will get no commission if you miss fixed adds.As standard member you only earn 0.005$ of your RR each click.
e.g: if you have 100 RR then your daily earning will be
300*4= 400
1200*0.005$= 6$
and if your are golden member then your earning will be double 2*6= 12$

Validity of RR:

RR is valid for month after you buy it when it expires you will pay funds again for one month. you can also enable Autopay it means they will pay for themselves when they are active every day and a day is added to it,but Auto pay does not work when RR days are less than 20 days.
Be Careful in buying RR don’t be eager first collect some enough funds so that you can manage RR after buying.

Recycling non active RR:

Regularly recycle those RR which are inactive from many days and avg falls down if you do not apply recycling policy your daily earning will be effected and also waste of your money on non active RR.Recycling of RR deducted a little bit money from your account.

Earning Money Through Direct Referrals:

DR are those users who join Neobux on your Direct Referrals link when ur DR are active each day and they view their adds you get a very small earning from them after 60 days you can also sell your DR of having average 2.0 or above.

Increase your earning Through Mini Jobs:

Neobux also offers to their users mini jobs, for every and each country there are different Mini jobs available every day.These jobs are mostly from Crowd flower you have to make an account in crowd flower to perform these Mini on offers option and then click on Mini jobs a page will open having different jobs select one of them and complete it with accuracy once you have completed your account is credited some cents or dollars depending on the rate of mini job.

Neo points:

Neo points are used in Re newel of RR and to extend the days of RR, Neo Points can be earned through offers option each successfully ads view also adds one neo point to your account.

Neobux Precautions:

Neobux allow only one account per IP address and per computer so never use or try to make two account on same computer and same IP address. Never view your adds on friend computers and also avoid to change proxies of your computer while using neobux. Never make a payment Request while using proxies this will banned you permanently.

Neobux Supports:

You earning on neobux is directly send to your online accounts Neobux payment is instant delay may occur in same support the following online accounts.
Trust wave


If You Wants To Start any Online Business then Best way Is not to Invest Your Pocket Money In It, Without Having any Idea Of It, So like that Neobux is also Risky for that peoples, User Ma Face IP problem, Referrals Managing Problem, So First Check Every Ptc Website Detail & there way Of working and then start working in it.

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