Google-webmaster-toolsGoogle Webmaster Tools is one of the Best Free Service which is being Develop by Google Team in order to gives more Prearity to his websites in Eyes of Google, this is free web service Which the Google does not charge, In Google Webmaster one can check complete online Detail of his website that whats the position of his website in Google and how much traffic they gain, from which country, so this is the Place for Webmasters To check his website State, we will discuss all detail and Methods about Webmaster that how To add website in Google web Masters tools and then How To Customize its setting.

How to Add website in Google webmaster tools

The first and important Step toward Google Webmaster tools is to add your website In it, Because After Adding your website Google will show Your website States clicks, impressions, Traffic Stats, in it, hence for this purpose First you will need Gmail account (May be old or Fresh) after that visit Google webmaster Tools>click on Home Which is available in Top Left Corner Of DashBoard>put Website URL>Add a Site, Now Your Website is Successfully added to Google Webmaster Tool, Click On Your Website To Manage Different settings in it.

Verify Website in Google webmaster tools

After Adding Your website Successfully in Webmaster Tools, Google will need The Ownership of your website that the website You managing is your or not for this purpose they will need Verification of your website By giving you an HTML or Any Link, By conforming this step Google will successfully verify your website and show the detail stats of it. Following steps are used in Website verification in Webmaster Tools Login to Webmaster Tools account>Click above your website name>Verified your website by one of the method in Mentions methods>Click on Verify Now, Your website is now successfully verified in Webmaster tools.

Get More Traffic Through Google webmaster tools

Getting More traffics for your website is not an easy step for this purpose you will have need to apply lot of knowledge and techniques, but whenever it comes to Website Traffic from search engines, Its not hard work you will have just to apply some new methods like Selecting Target Country for your keywords That in which country your keywords are more Search (Use Google insights for search) Service it is such a best Google service in which you can easily find your target keywords odiance in Different country, Another Best option is give you your website Internal links, Your search detail In Search Engine that on which Keywords Visitor Visit your website, so these are best options which is Available in Google webmaster tools in Free By the help of which you can Updates and Manage your website For Top Search Engines.

Easily check the robots.txt Files for Website

Robots.txt file is a Custom text file which stop web crawler software like Google robot , from crawling and indexing web pages of your website. if A webpage is Block in it then in Result Google Will not show That page in His Search Query, This is Mainly caused Due to Double Written in Article or page, in this event you will need to upload the new fresh file, In Order To Check Robots.txt files in your website follow these steps Login to Google Webmaster Tools>Chose the Website For Checking>Under the crawl heading click on robots.txt Tester Large Number of error are shown Below in editor after that Type an extension of URL in text box at bottom of drop down list select user-agent you want to simulate in it, Finally click On Test Button For checking Block URLs.
Google Webmaster Tools is very best tools for every kind of website and owner can gain Big traffics from different methods which is mentinod in it, By the Help of Google webmaster you can easily understand that How Google Can View Your Website, What is his rank, and optimize there performance in Search results.

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