google webmaster toolsAfter Designing Your website The best way to Monitor his detail is to Connect them it Webmaster Tools, When You add them in Webmaster Tools it will Give you a signal about Your works and Updates about your website, as we have already mentioned in our previous article AboutWebmaster Tools Better SEO Option That It will works efficiently in your website, Now Here in This Article we will Mentioned AllWebmaster Tools Setting to get Huge Amount Of Traffic For our Website.

Check your website Statistics

When You have added your website In Google webmasters tools like other best options its also gives you The detail stats your website like Complete visitors Search Queries, Clicks in Search queries of visitors so for this click on Search Traffic>search Quires which will gives you the detail of your website in Google search Bar.

Complete list of Links in website

This is another best option which is provided by Webmaster tools, This option is available in Search Traffic>links to your site it means that how many inbound links are available in your website with link entitled with Words Titles, Basically Backs Links Gives much importance For getting Page ranks And Strong SEO.

Bring Desire Content Traffics

Lets imagine You have to Create a website and you have upload Urdu or Hindi contents in it, and you want to get more visitors having knows more about these language, then diffinitly you will select India or Pakistan as a Geo Graphic Country Because Your traffic will only available just in above these two countries, its not necessary you will get only 60% of your target odiance from these countries, you may select other countries, for them, For this “Login To webmaster Dash Board>Click on Configuration>Setting>select you desire country and in Preferred Domain select Don,t “Preferred Domain” option in it.

Give you more Domain Authority

Domain Authority means The power of your Website domain and search engine Ranking, Domain Authority is Popularly based by Age, back links and Popularity of That Domain, Domain authority is important Factor of Seo, Google webmaster tools gives you More domain Authority By different ways like Crawling access, Fetch as Google options,checking robot.txt files, Sitemap Updating.

How to Demote Site Links Google

Demote of Website Links means search engines creates your Site links automatically and you want to Demote/change it with another Link so for this purpose open Search Appearance>Site links here copy the link which you want to Demote and paste them and click on Demote once you have click on it Google will automatically demote that link from Search
Note You can demote only 100 links in webmaster tools for each website

Fetch As Google Request

Fetch As Google is another best tools which is provided by Google webmaster for automatic search Detecting, When the owner of website updates his website on daily or weekly bases the search engines crowsers also visits on that bases once they stop updating Crowsers also stop visits to that website, so for this Fetch As Google Request option is used which is available in Crawl>Fetch As Google This Request is mostly used for Breaking news in which post in immediately index by crowsers and come in search engines.
Google webmaster Tools provide more opportunity to owner of website for gaining More traffic from search engines, Social networks through legal ways, thus if website has more visiter then owner will makes more Money.

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