Google analytic s Google Analytic’s is not just Google tools for showing your website Statics, but it will give you your detail companion in step by step way you can easily monitor your website that what is my website Position and in search engines in past And what is its Position now and what i should need for improving my website more, we already discuss in our previous article “Why Google Analytics tools is used for website Monitoring” and how does it provide best option in free About Your website detail Stats Now in our this article we will Explain you in Detail about Most important and best Features Of using Google Analytic s Tools for You website.

Google Analytics as a best Google tool

Google Analytic’s is such A best Tool which is provided by Google in free in order to check your website companions, Visitors, clicks, Impression, Google Analytics was first time release his beta version in 2005, later on in 2011 Google Release Full version Of Google Analytics having more Options and Functions now A days Google Analytics has Free And Paid Version but for Starter and small business Free Google Analytics Provide best options For his users.

Best Features of Using Google Analytics for website

1) Easy to Set up

As we have Discuss in our different article lot of times that Google has not just only Provide search engines optimization service but also provides More advance services like Google AdsenseGoogle FeedBurnerGmail,YouTubeGoogle Plus and lot of Many other services and for all these things you will just Gmail account, once you have create Gmail account you can use all Google Services in free, so like this Google Analytics is also Google tools and You can easily set up large number of websites in single Analytics account.

2) Determine location of your Traffic

The Second Best Option which is provided by Google Analytics is to determine The target locations of your Traffic you can easily check from it that from which country my Target Visitors will be more and Which country is best for my Website, so for this Google Analyics is Best and Interesting tool for you.

3) What People Actually Most search in Your Website

From Google Analytics you can Easily check that which Keywords of your website is Getting More search in Search engines, so once you can get that idea You will easily able to write Posts and Articles on that Keywords, Which is more beneficial for you  in Google Adsense Point of view as well as For website Traffic.

4) Free and Paid Analytics

Google Makes Changes in this Services day by day and makes them Advance as that can, Like in other Google Analytics Provide Two types of Analytics Services one is Free Analytics and other is Paid Analytics But Free Analytics has More best and easy options As compare to Paid Analytics, and full fill all the Basic requirements for website.

5) Mobile Site Detail checker

This is Best option which is available in Google analytics in free, with the help of this option you can check in detail with location that who visits your website from mobile Device, Mean Google Analytics Tools Also Tracks Mobile visitor.

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