search engines visibilitySearch engine is just like a way of living for your website, and website must need to live alive in it, for this you will need to use somethings extra techniques so it will Gives better result, there are hundred of things which you will need to do with your website like creating strong Back links,social bookmarking your website with top Social website,, However you will need to focus more on your On page SEO in your website SEO, because if you havn’t follow such steps your website will decreaseranking in top search engines like from Google, Bing, and yahoo.

Why On page In More Necessary

Complete Search Engine Optimization process is Completed into 2 portions, i-e On page SEO, Off Page but as my Search engines(SEO) experience 70% priority should given to ON page SEO and 30% percents is to off SEO because The Main Aim of website SEO is to Increase website traffic and Rank website is top search engines, it should only possible if You have Qualitative Topics and Technical keywords and both these options are Absolutely Covers in On Page SEO, also according to US website Ranking Factors “website Can Gain 7% of Traffic from Article Title”.

Configure your Website Title and description

When we talk about on page Seo then Title, keywords choosing and Article SEO description are First things in our Mind, so like this Search engine Robots are also Active Every time and When your website Updates with Specific article or any kind of post, then these Robots firstly Notes Your Keywords usage and Title in that Article and after that they looks to website situation, if it is sutible for Algorithms, then they ranked them top in search engines so First Things For on Page SEO is To configure Your Website and posts Title And Description so that Robots will easily Designate your website.

Role Of Website Site Map

Another Main thing for increasing website visibility in search engines is to send your website site map to top search engines like Google and Bing, we have already explain about website site map in our previous posts about importance of sitemap in website ranking, for WordPress websites thousands of Seo plugins are Available & All SEO in One pack is best among these plugin’s which automatically submit your Sitemap to search engines by daily or weekly bases, In Blogger Sitemap is also automatically submitted to search engines without using any tool, but for manual HTML and PHP website you will need to submite your website site map So that Search Engines will Alart from this and they will Index Pages from that website.

Check Webmaster Tools About Your website result

Every Top Search engine have there own web master tool like Google, bing & Yahoo have their own Web Master Tools so for keeping your website visible in top Search engines first thing is to submit website site Map and after That check there Tools that how my website is getting Ranked what is its results and how much traffic i gain from which country, if you check these tools and makes little struggle, i am sure your website will get more page views.

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