Monetization is the process By the help of which one can makes money From his targeted traffic,There are lot of methods In used in YouTube Monetization like CPC, CPM, PPI But the most popular one which is now a days widely used by any website are CPC (Cost Per Click) & CPI (Cost Per Impression) Method, Like this YouTube is also one of the Top Video Sharing website in worldwide Which is created by Javed karim & his team, who are workers in Ecommerce institute called Paypal in 2005,Later on Google Buy YouTube in 2006, Now a days YouTube is not only used for Video sharing But also used For making Money online Like Shane Dawson who makes 1$ million Annually just from His YouTube Channel, Now in our this article We will Completely Explain In detail that How to makes Money From YouTube, How To get Targeted Traffic, and How to set up your YouTube Channel For YouTube Monitization and Makes Money From It.
Account Set up for Monetization
In YouTube Monetization process You will need A Gmail account, YouTube Channel having Specific targeted and Copy righted Videos and Google Ad-sense approved account, we have already explain about Google adsense approving account Through YouTube the same thing is here you will need just to create YouTube channel, you may used your existing Channel and then associate it with adsense account.
1) Create YouTube Channel
First and necessary Thing is you will need to create YouTube channel, which will using for video uploading for this purpose Create Gmail account and then Visit YouTube account>sign in with gmail id>Setting>See all my channels or create a new channel>Create Channel when you create Channel in YouTube then gives them a specific Username by opening your that channel click on Advanced and Choose a specif Username Now your channel is ready for using.
2) Channel Monitization Process
After creating Channel in YouTube Now you will need To make your channel ready for Monetization for this purpose click on Setting on the top right of YouTube page>click on setting>View Additional Features>Monetization (enable button will be visible only if Monetization process is available in your country other wise this button will not be visible ) after that Associate Your account With Google adsence By Opening same Monetization page then>View Monetization settings>How do i will Get Paid enter your full detail and click on submit Your channel will approved in 2 to 3 hours For Monitization.
3) Monitize Video With Adds
Now this is the most important step In Monetization in this process when you have video and you wants to make money from that video in YouTube you will need to click Upload during Uploading time click on Monitization> check on Monetize with ads and publish them on YouTube.
4) Check Your Earning Statistic
How much i earn from my channel, How Many traffic i get from search engines, & How many clicks i got from visitors like these sorts of question will comes in your mind, so your all answers will be solved in “Analytic s” which is available in setting>View additional features>Analytics.
How Much money can i make
If i can says that you can makes up to $1000 per day then it is impossible nor difficult work you can makes thousands on Dollars very easily if you have optimized your videos in better ways, You choose a high search keywords, and Target high Paying keywords You tube can gives Money on CPC and CPM methods, so if you have betterly optimized your videos you can makes more money.
Attract Target Viewers
For Making more Money from YouTube Monitization Process the first thing you will need to target high paying countries and high paying Keyword, If these things are strong then Your YouTube channel SEO will be strong And Your videos will get more views and the second thing is to enter complete description about your video in Description Section and gives specific Title to your Video.
Be Care Full
YouTube Monetization is very best method for Making money online from video sharing, However lot of peoples use ilegal ways for getting more views and copy other channels video, like such ilegal ways they use for more earning but now a days YouTube is Linked with Google and Google in the top search engine in the word and have the strong security, they always monitor user deadlines through ip address so in the result YouTube banned there channel thus user never earn money from YouTube so always use ligle ways for making money from YouTube.
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