main copyWeb Hosting is the type of internet Hosting that gives the service to individuals and organization to connect their website with world wide web.These are the Best Web Hosting companies which provide internet connectivity and Provide space & Free WordPress Hosting on server for their clients. Many companies have web sites to share and advertise their products on internet and also take order online through sending and receiving emails.Many Companies provide free web Hosting service for learner with limited service.if you are looking Free Hosting Providers for your WordPress blog this post will Help you.

Why to Choose free Hosting Provider for WordPress Blog

Finding Free hosting for your WordPress blog is very good option but is very difficult, WordPress is a strong content management system but it require to select “hosting” for it. Beginners always choose free hosting for their blog later on when they learn and familiar with WordPress then move to paid Hosting service. WordPress Provide unique features including bandwidth, disk space backups and restore, FTP accounts, one Click installation Security and many other important services.There are allot of companies which give the free hosting facilities just like paid hosting services to host your WordPress here is a list of most popular and secure Hosting providers but also keep in mind that the free hosting lacks some services some of these are customer support, Disk space and bandwidth. To take start on website or blogging for the first time free Hosting is the wise choice because if you do any mistake your account may be Banned permanently.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Free WordPress Hosting Providers

Free Hosting has many advantages for WordPress blog for Beginners, as it is free of cost thus saves your money also there is no restriction if you do not like the services and in case of premium Hosting you are bound to stay unless your account validity expires but in-spite of this as mention above that free Hosting has limited services like less disk space, no support service and lack security service and less trust worthy.

Top 6 Most Popular WordPress Free Hosting Providers

1. X10Hosting:
X10Hosting is the free Cloud Hosting for WordPress with limits but unique features service provider. its function are very easy to learn and in use you can host your website online for free with this company.some of its unique feature are as under.
  • Provide Latest version of Cpanel.
  • Facilitate with private cloud hosting.
  • Latest versions of MySQL and PHP
  • No Ads website
  • R1Soft CDP Backup facility
  • Offers most secure browsing with the OpenVPN.
  • The website is uptime 99.9%
As the name indicate No ads. This provide free hosting with no Ads on your website but it does not provide no pup-ups, banners or forum posting.
some of its features are as follow.
  • 20Gb disk space and 200GB bandwidth traffic.
  • Provide 3 PHP version you can choose any of one according to your choice and need.
  • It will not ask you for premium membership.
  • You can host your own domain.
  • Provide various templates with tools like WordPress, phpBB, and joomla.
It provides WordPress home page professionally for you and is free of any boundness under strict rules and policies, simply you have to choose a package make a request and your website will be hosted important features of WPNode are below.
  • Unlimited Data transfer.
  • 5GB ssD storage.
  • Unlimited WordPress sites for Hosting
  • 1GB email and free Global CDN.
  • Strongest security system.
  • Manage your Database via PhpMyAdmin.
  • Upload and download files via SFTP.
  • Simple cpanel and easy to manage and handle.
  • Preconfigured W3 Total Cache Plugin
  • Unlimited wordpress sites for Hosting
  • 1GB email and free Global CDN.
  • Strongest security system.
  • Manage your Database via phpMyAdmin.
  • Upload and download files via SFTP.
  • Simple cpanel and easy to manage and handle.
  • Preconfigured W3 Total Cache Plugin
Bytehost provide you the amazing free facilities for your website like MYSQL,vistapanel, PHP and FTP. The super features of ByteHost are
  • 200Gb monthly transfer
  • 50 GB disk space
  • Error page manager
  • Provide free worpress hosting with no Ads and popups
  • Cpanel for managing you website
  • 50 Add on domains,50 parked domains & 50 sub domains
  • Provide the technical support
  • Free help support 24/7. is the best choice for your website free hosting it offers different plans according to your choice just slect one of them and lunch your website for free it provide the following facilities.
  • 5000 Bandwidth
  • Easy and one click WordPress installation
  • Free subdomins
  • 250MB disk space
  • Free hosting for WordPress with no Ads facility
  • PHP 5, MySQL
  • Technical support and FTP account.
  • Power security system for WordPress
  • Providing themes for WordPress
The most popular and famous free hosting provider.The free and unique feature of zymic is perfect for your worpress website. it gives you
  • 50000 MB data transfer per month
  • 5000 disk space
  • Unlimited WordPress for hosting
  • FTP accounts
  • Advertisement free web hosting
  • Free templates and themes for WordPress
  • Easy cpanel to manage your website
  • Free sub domains and free sub domains names
  • 5 MySQL databases

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