Image is the most beautiful element in your blog post. Image shows your topic and your action and if you use image by the perfect way then that image grow-up your audience and rank-up your Blog availability. It means Image is very healthy and powerful for blog post, you should attach minimum 2 or 3 pictures in single post.
There are some elements which you should do with the image, So in this post I'm going to show you what should we do with the image when we upload image in the post. I think image is the very main part for Blog post and secondly for SEO.

Also Visit: Attractive Widgets From GetSiteControl

Effective Element for Image Optimization: 

Image Optimization Tips:

1- Use Alt Tags

2- Add A Caption
Write Caption Text

3- Reduce the Image Size

You can Reduce the Image Size online through given below link:


Recommended: Top Best SEO Tools for High Page Rank

Kraken.io is the online Image Optimizer Tool, You can use it for totally free, it is very effective tool for reduce the image size.

I hope this topic is working for you, once you apply it on your post, you will definitely feel the difference. If you like this post So Share it with your Friends on Social Media Sites and also leave yoursuggestion in comment section.

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