Keep-update-with-PingFirst of all let we know what is Ping Services? And How it works? Now I'm going to tell you how you can get benefits from Ping Services. Ping Websites are Pinging Search Engines who keep contact with all Search Engines. When we create a Post, it means we update our blog. Ping Sites are the Services to update different Search Engines that your blog has updated. You just have to do, when you create a new post copy the new post URL and next step is open all ping sites and one by one paste the URL here and then click on ping send button. Once you will do it, you will see how your traffic is increase, You must use it.

List of Best Ping Service Sites:

1- Ping-o-Matic

2- Pingler

3- GooglePing

4- FeedShark  

5- Pingoat

6- AutoPinger

7- BroadPing

8- BlogBuzzer


10- PingThatBlog

Bonus: PingMyURL


Recommended: How to Change YouTube URL
Also Visit: Optimize Image in Blogger for better Search Ranking

Always keep your blog be updated. Also share this post with your Friends on Social Media Sites. If you have any question feel free and leave your query in comment section.

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